Thursday, December 17, 2009


To know what Jeniferever sound like, just go to their myspace page.

I'm not sure how a gray sky with various random constellations set against a black tree-lined landscape can explain sound, but their myspace art director somehow pulled it off. Their music is dark and beautiful, sad and quiet, delicate and occasionally pretty loud. Repetitive shoegazey beats, simple, yet layered and ever-building guitar, and quiet, half-whispered vocals make up the sound of every song on their nearly hour long album (they don't write short songs). At first, I thought the breathy, accent-heavy vocals (they're from Sweden) would get old. I also thought the lengths and speed of the songs would wear me out, but this is one of those albums that if you're in the right mood for it, it's incredible. I'll just come out and say it: It's dreamy. Recommended for late night driving, lying in the dark and thinking, or staring at a computer screen feeling sorry for yourself.

Everything I've heard from them so far is really good, but start where I started- their new album, "Spring Tides."

Favorite songs: "Nangijala," "Green Meadow Island," "Sparrow Hills," "Spring Tides."


Not that I think I'm cool for it or anything, but I've always kind of been the guy who friends ask from time to time, "What should I listen to?" I have always been on a never-ending quest to find the best bands, and I often derive more pleasure out of finding a new band than actually listening to half the stuff I've found. From the early days of and being the music director of a radio station, to the days of friends-of-friends myspace band hunts and purevolume charts, to the new world of blogs and "listeners also bought"s on itunes, I waste ridiculous amounts of my life trying to find that one in a million band that either does something new and interesting, or just does it right. On the advice of my last roommate, I decided to follow in his footsteps and have an internet presence. I spend my life reading the thoughts and suggestions of others, now its my time to be part of the problem. Even though there are 80 billion music blogs, and this one might not ever be read, at least I can now tell my friends when they ask me what to listen to: "Just go to my blog dude, just go to my blog."

While I listen to a lot of different genres, I tend to most enjoy, as I've often said, "music that makes me want to kill myself, or music that makes me want to kill other people." Of course, some of the stuff in between is fantastic too. At least for the beginning of the blog, I'm going to focus on the more melodic, pretty, (dare I say) EMO side of my tastes. I hope someone enjoys this blog and finds a new favorite band they would have never heard of otherwise.